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Field Junior is a two form entry junior school admitting 2 classes of 30 children into Year 3 each September.

Admission to the school is arranged via the co ordinated admissions scheme organised by the Hertfordshire.

For full information, oversubscription criteria and online applications please visit:

If your child will be moving on from Infant to Junior School applications for admission into junior schools to start in September 2024 opens on 1st of November 2023 and close on the 15th January 2024.  National allocation day 16th April 2024.

Secondary Transfer online application system opens on Monday, the 2nd September 2024 and the closing date for applications is Thursday, the 31st October 2024 (online and paper). 

Parents should apply online at or alternatively if you cannot access the internet, you can request a printed version of the website information and application from the Admissions and Transport Team by contacting your Process Admissions Officer.

For admissions at any other time of the year, parents should contact the admissions team (as detailed below), who will be able to advise on availability of places.

Moving On information is circulated to parents of Year 6 entrants by the first week of the autumn term and admissions information is available online for parents to read or download.

Some details have been provided under individual school entries, but please see the school’s own website for full details of their aptitude and academic testing arrangements.

You can find detailed information and complete your registration via the consortium website:

For in year admission – In Year Admissions
Fax: 0300 123 4043

Admissions and Transport Team
Admissions & Transport CHR102
Hertfordshire County Council
County Hall, Pegs Lane
Hertford, SG13 8DF

If you wish to speak to the Admissions and Transport team, please contact the Hertfordshire County Council Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043.