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At Field Junior School, we recognise the importance of maths as a core subject. Maths links to many other disciplines and is essential to everyday life, including being necessary for financial literacy. Our goal is to ensure that every child leaving Field Junior School has a solid grounding in maths.  

 Our maths curriculum is based on the National Curriculum for England and has a high focus on using and applying in everyday contexts. Problem solving is a vital skill and we encourage our pupils to think creatively and use what they know, combined with varied representations of the problems, to come to a solution. The children’s learning is sequenced to ensure that number skills (including written methods) are secured and then embedded through regular opportunities to use and apply them. Maths sessions are well-paced and engaging – we are proud of the positive maths attitudes our pupils display. Throughout maths sessions, teachers and teaching assistants monitor and evaluate children’s learning and progress rigorously to ensure that each child is supported in reaching their individual potential. Opportunities for practical maths activities are included in our teaching to enable children to explore mathematical concepts and to consolidate their learning.  

 We encourage parents to practise essential maths skills at home e.g. times tables, telling the time, working with money, halving and doubling and number bonds. Below are a series of video tutorials, which we have created to show you some of the methods we use at Field, along with instructional documents and a maths progression map. 


Video Links to support your child

  • Basic Fraction Vocabulary
  • Find a Fraction of an amount
  • How to compare two fractions 
  • How to find a factor
  • Long multiplication
  • Short multiplication