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Year 5

Class teachers are:

  • Miss Timms


If you would like to know what your children are learning, please click on the Curriculum Tab.

Meet the Teacher 

Thank you to all Parents/Carers, who managed to come to the meeting. Here is Year 5 presentation of the information shared on the day.


Outdoor Learning Day – Oxhey Park

Here are a few photos from the outdoor learning day at Oxhey Park on the 24th of May. Wonderful work from our children recreating parts of a flower with all they could find in the park. 

Le Café François a Field Junior

It was a real treat for Year 5 Parents and Carers with the children serving pastries and drinks while speaking French. 

Cam toys

Year 5 children made cam toys (aka automata), which use hand-powered mechanisms to create cyclical motions that animate a scene. Here are some of them photographed. 

The Vikings

Children had fantastic two days being Vikings during Spring term. They created the noticeboard for all school to admire. 

Year 5 KNE’X workshop March 2024

Children used KNE’X blocks to build amazing machines during the workshop.

VIKINGS February 2024

It looks like children had a fantastic time with Dan Tasctic Education. 

Year 5 visit to Hazard Alley

On the 16th of November Year 5 students went to Hazard Alley Safety Centre in Milton Keynes. During their visit they gained vital knowledge and life skills through various scenarios such as fire, water, rail, road, cycle and pedestrian safety, home, personal safety, and online safety. 

Year 5 stained glass windows paintings inspired by Gaudi