Statutory Information

Admission arrangements

Please see our Admissions page.

Behaviour policy

Charging and remissions policies

Complaints policy

Section 23 of the Education Reform Act 1988 requires Local Education Authorities to have a complaints procedure. If you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s education you should first discuss it with your child’s class teacher.

If your concerns are not resolved you should discuss the problem further with the Headteacher.

In the event that this does not produce a solution parents can complain in writing to the Chair of Governors.

This fact sheet produced by Hertfordshire Children’s Services outlines the stages of complaint for parents. A copy of the Complaints procedure can be obtained from the school office.

Contact details

Watford Field Road,
Hertfordshire WD18 0AZ

Tel:  01923  221877

SENCo: Mrs Lucy Connell (can be contacted via the school office)

Please address all enquiries to Mrs Conroy in the school office.


Please see our Curriculum section.

Music development plan.

Ethos and values

Please see our Vision & Values page.

Financial Information

Schools Financial Benchmarking

Governance information

Please see our Governors page.

Ofsted reports

The school was last inspected on 23rd – 24th November 2017.

We are rated an ‘Outstanding’ school in all areas inspected.

To see our most recent Ofsted report click this link –

Ofsted Visit Dated 10th November 2020 – This visit was conducted under section 8 of the Education Act 2005(as amended) and in accordance with Ofsted’s published procedures for visiting schools while routine inspections are temporarily suspended.

PE and sport premium

Public sector equality duty

Pupil premium and recovery premium

The Pupil Premium is allocated to children who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), Service Children and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months. This will also include pupils eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure).

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils at their school. We are required to publish online information about how we have used the Premium. This will ensure that parents and others are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by the Premium and the extra support that they receive.

Remote Education

School opening hours

School is open Monday – Friday from  8:50 am to 3:20 pm.  Total number hours per week = 32.5 hours

School uniforms

For more information about uniforms, please refer to our Uniform page

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Please see our SEND page.

Test, exam and assessment results

Key Stage 2 SATs 2024

Performance tables –

Unvalidated data

KS2 Comparative Report

This information allows you to compare performance at the end of Key Stage 2 at Field Junior School with the attainment of other Year 6 pupils across schools Nationally. (please note ,all data is provisional at this stage and may be subject to minor changes)


Percentage of pupils achieving at least the Expected Standard at Field Junior School 2024

Percentage of pupils achieving at least the Expected Standard Nationally 2024

Average scaled score at Field Junior School 2024

Average scaled score Nationally 2024

English Reading





English grammar, punctuation and spelling










English Writing

(Teacher assessment)






(Teacher Assessment)






Requests for paper copies

Paper copies of the information on this website will be provided free of charge.