All Hertfordshire maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). They are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. Schools aim to be inclusive, with the needs of SEND pupils being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible.
Mrs Connell is our Inclusion Co-ordinator (INCO). She is an experienced teacher who works closely with each of the class teachers and helps to identify needs, organise provision and liaise with external professionals in order to meet the needs of our children.
She also organises additional intervention programmes with the support staff in school.
If you want to talk about your child’s special educational or disability Mrs Connell, our Inclusion leader with responsibility for SEND, can be contacted in school. Please note her working days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Appointments can be made via the school office.
For questions and answers about the type of support we are able to provide at Field Junior School, please read the documents below. (In response to parent feedback we have included a simplified version of the Information Report which outlines the main elements).
- Hertfordshire Local Offer-services for children/young people with SEND - Developing Specialist Provision Locally (DSPL 9)
This website is linked to our local area for SEND and is being updated with information
- SEND Advice Lines for Parents/Carers (139.12KB)
- Contactline Poster (555.11KB)
- Accessibility Action Plan 2023-2027 (155.23KB)
SEND Information Report
These questions are to help you gain a better understanding of the provision available in our setting. Should you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to ask.
- SEND Information Report 2024-2025 (269.99KB)
Below are a range of resources that have been made available to the school to share with parents. These are not resources created by the school but those recommended by external professionals
Family Lives
- Sibling Rivalry Workshop 12.12.24 (490.54KB)
Supporting Links
- Talking ASD & ADHD Workshops Spring 25 (216.08KB)
- Bitesize Courses Jan 25 - Mar 25 (326.66KB)
- Supporting Links Course Booking Form (129.09KB)
- Supporting Links Course Talking Dads (358.19KB)
- Supporting Links Course Talking Teens (456.16KB)
Herts Contact a Service
This link has up to date information regarding contact lines, dates and times for all services. Please click on link below:
South West Herts Partnership
Calendar of Events
- SWHP - Cost of Living Support (1.46MB)
Families In Focus
Families in Focus is a Hertfordshire-based community interest company, which provides training information and therapeutic and emotional support to parents.
Click on the link below for parenting courses that are currently running
SEND Duty Lines
- SEND Advice Contact Lines (251.63KB)
- SEND advice lines for parents and carers. (115.41KB)
Supporting Children with Spellings
Herts SpLD service has created a sheet for parents on “strategies to support children with spellings”, which also includes some possible APPS.
These include resources to support children with: speech Language and communication and interaction, social/emotional and mental health concerns, sensory and/or physical needs, self help and independence skills and some more generalised resources.
Websites that support English and maths with online resources etc. The school is not suggesting you purchase resources so would advise if there is a cost attached that you look at an alternative, free resource available.
- DSPL 9 Websites (517.28KB)
- DSPL 9 Websites English & Maths (478.54KB)
FACE (Family, Advice, Communication, Education) family advice
Please also check our wellbeing section as many of the resources will link between the two sections.