There was an article in Watford Observer newspaper on the 21st of December with a schools performance table. We are proud to say Field Junior School is second in Watford with 82% of students meeting expected standard. Here is the link to view the article online: Watford schools where the most and least pupils hit standards | Watford Observer
We aim to keep you informed of all the events and activities going on in school.
We issue a newsletter every Friday by email to keep you informed of forthcoming events and points of concern or interest. The newsletter is also published on the ‘Newsletters’ page of the website.
We send letters home on Fridays and Mondays by email. Most trips and dinners are sent home on Mondays. If necessary there may be occasions when a printed communication is sent home via your child.
Copies of letters can be obtained from the class teacher or from the school office.
There are notice boards with school information on the edge of both upper and lower playgrounds.