Family Wellbeing
Contact the school office and leave a message for Mrs. Connell to call you back if you have any concerns at any point.
- Families First staff are contactable via their telephones or email so if you have a link worker please ensure that you are making regular contact. They will be in direct contact with school too.
Herts Local Offer-Mental health and wellbeing:
Carers Week 10th to 16th June 2024 – Young Carers
As this week is Carers Week, the County Council are supporting Carers in Hertfordshire by raising the profile of Young Carers – many of whom are attending school but yet to be identified as a Young Carer. School can refer or the young carer can self-refer to Carers in Hertfordshire, where an assessment can be carried out and the right support and help can be offered, if needed. For more information, visit Young Carers service – Carers In Herts
School Nursing
- PHN School Nursing Newsletter - Autumn 2024 (804.22KB)
DSPL – Courses
- DSPL 9 Websites (517.28KB)
- DSPL 9 Websites English & Maths (478.54KB)
Fully Funded Spring Term Parenting Courses
Bounce Forward
- Anxiety and Resilience (1.42MB)
Online Group for 7-12 year olds – Mind Hertfordshire Network
7-12yrs group (Tuesdays at 6pm)
This group will give 7-12 year olds a space to meet other young people, building their social connections, whilst improving their understanding and awareness of emotional wellbeing and coping strategies.
Topics include: Understanding Emotions, Friendships & Relationships, Coping Strategies, Self-harm & 5 ways to Wellbeing, Bullying, How to Cope at School, Homelife, Identity, Abuse and Exploitation, Changes, Building Confidence & Self-Esteem.
If you are interested, please email us at to get registered and receive the group’s online link.
Herts Haven café
A safe, welcoming space for 10-18-year olds, with professional workers to support you with your wellbeing when you need it. Just drop in! Watford Palace Theatre 3.30pm to 8pm on Mondays. Click on the link below for other times and locations.
Lumi Nova
Lumi Nova is an app for 7-12-year olds facing difficulties with anxiety, including:
Phobias, social anxiety, separation anxiety. You can find out more by clicking the following link: Lumi Nova – WithYouth
A Slice of Happiness-Wellness Turquoise Spa
Just Talk
Grief Support
Winston’s Wish
Cruse Bereavement Care
Adult Bereavement document
Anna Freud Centre-Coping with unexpected loss
Crisis support
This document offers support for those in crisis.
The NHS and our local hospitals are really busy at the moment, so if you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, the quickest way to get help at any time of the day or night is to call the Freephone number: 0800 6444 101, or call NHS 111 and select option 2 for mental health services.
In the case of serious illness or injury, dial 999 for emergency services
Advice for Parents and Carers – Just Talk Herts
Parenting with Mental Health Issues
Advice from Mind on strategies to support you on parenting whilst experiencing mental health challenges.
Hertfordshire Mental Health Packs
This document explains diagnosable mental health conditions and support available for those specific medical needs. This is for professionals and parents and was produced by Hertfordshire County Council in conjunction with the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Beezee Bodies and Families
SWHP Newsletter
The South West Herts Partnership have created a document with parenting support on a range of topics including fussy eaters, Talking Families (a course to support with general parenting as it is the toughest job!), sleep solutions, parenting pre-teens/teens and many more.
- SWHP What's On? in the Area December 24 (736.41KB)
- SWHP - Cost of Living Support (1.46MB)
Safer Places Domestic Abuse Services
Safer Places are still operating and will continue to provide services/support to victims of Domestic Abuse in line with Government and Public Health England advice.
They will still accept new refuge referrals (if they have space and no symptoms shown/self-isolating) and will continue to accept outreach referrals.