When your child is too ill to come to school, please contact the office as soon as possible. There is a 24hr answerphone for you to leave a message when it is convenient, but no later than 9am on the day of absence.
Following the government campaign “Moment matter, attendance counts” we emphasise the importance of high attendance. Children with attendance below 90% are classed as Persistent Absentees and are often referred to LA attendance officer.
Guidelines for common illnesses
Attendance is of high importance at Field Junior School. Please support your child by bringing her/him to school. Minor illnesses do not require absence from school. If your child’s disease is contagious, please follow the guidelines below and notify school as soon as possible. It is fine to send your child to school with minor cough or common cold. Encourage your child to throw away any used tissues and to wash their hands regularly.
Vomiting and diarrhoea
Any child with sickness and/or diarrhoea should be kept at home and must be clear of the symptoms for 48 hours before they return to school.
Diarrhoea and vomiting – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
High temperature
Temperature in children can vary slightly from child to child. A high temperature is 38C or more. Children with fever should stay at home and must be clear of the symptoms for 48 hours before they come back to school.
High temperature (fever) in children – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Children can return to school when all spots have crusted over.
There is no need for absence from school, unless they are feeling very unwell. Do get advice from your pharmacist. Encourage your child not to rub their eyes and to wash their hands regularly.
Conjunctivitis – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Children no longer need to stay at home if they have mild Covid-19 symptoms, such as runny nose, sore throat, or slight cough, and feel well enough to come to school. If you decide to do Covid-19 rapid lateral flow test and your child has tested positive, they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day they took the test.
COVID-19 symptoms and what to do – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Children may return to school when the wound is dry and healing or 48 hours after they start antibiotics treatment. Encourage your child to wash their hands regularly and not to share things like towels and cups with other children at school.
If your child has measles, they will need to see a GP. Call the GP surgery before you go in, as measles can spread to others easily. Keep your child off school for at least 4 days from when the rash first appears. They should avoid close contact with babies and anyone who is pregnant or has a weakened immune system.
For any other illness, please refer to the NHS website: Is my child too ill for school? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Head lice and nits
Please be vigilant when washing your child’s hair and deal with the infestation. If head lice are observed in school, all children in the affected class will bring a note home.
Head lice and nits – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Please inform school office of your child allergies. Field Junior School is a nut free school. We have children in school with severe nut allergies and therefore request that NO nut products (including peanut butter, Nutella, chocolate bars etc.) are brought into school.
You need to inform HCL catering company of your child allergies if you wish for her/him to have school dinners. A bespoke menu will be created for your child.
Special diet application (hcl.co.uk)
If your child needs their inhaler administered during school, please let the office or your child’s class teacher know. You will need to bring in the inhaler and sign a permission slip.
- Child on regular medication (36.99KB)
Any medication that is prescribed by a doctor and needs to be taken 4 or more times a day can be administered at school by one of our first aiders. On the first day of administration at school , the medication should be brought to the school office and a permission slip signed by the parent/carer.
We keep Calpol in school so we will administer if a child is sent into school who has a headache, common cold etc, but does not need to stay at home. We will, of course, phone home for verbal consent before we do so and advise the time that it was administered.
Welfare room
At Field Junior School we have a welfare room where trained first aiders care for your child in case of minor accident or illness.
In case of major accident that cannot be dealt with at school, parents/carers will be contacted immediately. If necessary, we would arrange for your child to be taken to a local hospital.
Immunisation for flu
The NHS nurses come to school every year to carry out the immunisation for children, whose parents/carers give their consent to do so.
National Child Measurement Programme 2023
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP), also known as the School Height and Weight Checks, is a mandated annual programme delivered by local authorities, which involves measuring the height and weight of all school children in reception and year 6. Over 99% (17,000) of eligible state-maintained schools across England, including academies, usually participate in the NCMP.