Whole School Curriculum Intent
At Field Junior School, we intend for all our pupils, irrespective of SEND, cultural or ethnic background, disadvantaged or vulnerable etc to be able to access a broad and balanced curriculum. We strive to develop the skills, knowledge and learning attitudes of our pupils so that they may become the best that they can be.
Our intent is that children learn through a well –planned progressive curriculum in every subject and have the opportunity to develop and foster an interest in a variety of subjects across the curriculum, therefore being secondary school ready.
Our curriculum is built upon the foundations of the National Curriculum and enhanced through our planned cultural capital calendar: this reflects the local history, geography, cultural diversity and community feel of our school.
Field Junior School is keen to offer the children a wider range of experiences that they may not experience at home through trips, visitors, assemblies and a wide range of clubs.
We give high priority to teaching the fundamentals of reading, writing and maths, every day, to ensure that all pupils acquire the basic skills for learning and life.
Our strong teachers use skills and knowledge to teach the foundation subject curriculum discretely, mainly within a thematic approach as children learn best through links between different subjects.
Building upon children’s previous learning is key to them knowing more and remembering more and we strive to regularly revisit prior learning and develop vocabulary in all lessons.
Foundation Subject Curriculum Documents
Click on the link below for each subject
- Computing Curriculum Document (165.80KB)
- Music Curriculum Document (153.94KB)
- PHSE Curriculum Document (283.27KB)
- Science Curriculum Document (312.65KB)
- RE Curriculum Document (183.07KB)
- Physical Education Curriculum Document (364.48KB)
- MFL Curriculum Document (240.75KB)
- History Curriculum Document (362.05KB)
- Geography Curriculum Document (202.24KB)
- DT Curriculum Document (158.21KB)
- Art Curriculum Document (268.95KB)