Return to Curriculum


‘Leaders have developed an appropriately balanced, engaging curriculum, which is broadened by a wide range of enrichment opportunities, including trips, visitors to the school, clubs and other activities.’

Ofsted November 2017


Throughout the year, we plan various school trips, immersion days, special assemblies and organise visitors into school to go beyond the curriculum and maximise children’s learning experiences. We aim to develop their social skills, geographical literacy, sense of community and demonstrate empathy/tolerance towards others. We also aim to give them cultural experiences that they might be able to enjoy at home.

Every Tuesday, we have a dedicated assembly to promote social, emotional and personal well-being; on Thursdays, we have singing assemblies; on Wednesdays, we develop our knowledge about specific countries where our children originate or have first languages in; and Fridays, we celebrate successes by having an achievement assembly.

Visit To Waterstones

Our reading ambassadors visited Waterstones to choose prizes for the winners of the reading competition that they set up in November. They had a great time and picked some fantastic prizes!






European Day of Languages 

On Thursday 26th September, Miss Timms held an assembly to celebrate the European Day of Languages.  This day celebrates the rich cultural heritage of our continent and also the diversity of languages and cultures that we have in our school.   Each year, a competition is set that reflects different cultures and the love of learning languages. This year the competition is to create a poster, illustrating the theme of ‘Languages for Peace’. This can be symbols, quotes and artwork to convey messages of unity. Children can use any media and this must be hand drawn. The deadline will be Thursday 10th October.  I look forward to your entries!



Runners up









Wagamama workshop

Some of our school children went to Wagamama restaurant in Watford. They were making their own juices, preparing their own mini yaki soba dish that was cooked by the chefs at Wagamama for them. The children enjoyed the food, eating it as well as preparing it themselves. 

Reading ambassadors visit to Watford Field School Infant and Nursery 

The Reading Ambassadors visited the Infant school to share books with Reception and Nursery children. They had a great time!


































World Book Day week

What a busy and fantastic week it was. Here are few snapshots of the spoons. 

And the winners are:

World Book Day costumes

Reading ambassadors at assembly 

Our reading ambassadors came back with books and shared them during the assembly on Friday the 24th of November. 

Reading ambassadors visit to Waterstones bookshop

On the 17th of November our group of reading ambassadors went to buy books for our school. 

Poetry competition – Young Writers – update

The following children were successful and will have their poems published in a book. 

Year 3: Esme, Jewel, Saravanan, Tess, Ed

Year 4: Noah, Vithuraan, Anaya, Ariana, Jennifer

Year 5: Aarathana, Aayushi, Daniel B., Khadija, Safaa, Aarav, Anvi, Luke, Katie, Ramsey

Year 6: Aaron, Hannah, Jananii, Lily, Sofia, Tia, Aila A., Kavya, Klara


Reading scheme

New books for the reading scheme – we hope the children enjoy reading them!

Reading Ambassadors 

At Field School we are trying to promote reading across the whole of the school. I spoke to the school and sent an email home about applying for the job of a Reading Ambassador after telling the children what it will entail. Thank you to everyone who took time to write or email me their application. 
Kate Kenyon 

Year 6: Hannah, Wassim, Rani, Layla

Year 5: Aarathana, Aayushi, Arav, Ramsey

Year 4: Masen, Tanya, Ariana, Niranjan

Year 3: Rayyan, Jithin, Mila, Eesa 

After some more generous donations,  the fabulous Reading Ambassadors are sorting through the Book Swap Boxes, which will  go out after school on the playground. Please take one if you want to! If you’re not sure which book to choose then watch this space as the Reading Ambassadors are also going to choose a book to read and promote it in assembly.


Poetry competition

Poetry Competition, This Is Me! has been running for the first half term. Children have had the opportunity to enter in to the competition – writing poems that have the theme: This is me. The poems will be sent off on Friday 20th October where we will see if the children have won the competition and see if their entry has made it into a book. 

Year 6 visit to Watford Library September

Year 6 had a fabulous trip to Watford Library in September. During the trip, they learned about the history of the dewy system and played Dewy Bingo. They also had a treasure hunt in the children’s section, working in small groups to find certain books. Some of the children brought their library card along and took out books and all were told about what a fantastic resource the library is.

Easy Reading Corner 

To encourage all children to read, we have added an ‘Easy Reading Corner’ where children can listen to CDs of their well loved books and can also choose an easier book to read. As soon as the books are on the shelf then they are out again so the Reading Ambassadors will be asking their class what books they would like to read in the library and will be buying some copies of these books from their local bookshop in the next half term. 



Coronation Celebrations

It was such a shame that the weather let us down and that our parents/carers were not too disappointed.  Your children celebrated and enjoyed a day of Coronation activities—making crowns, bracelets, kites, colouring sheets, enjoying their picnic lunches with their classmates and singing at the afternoon assembly.